Friday, October 22, 2010

More of this trying out markering stuff

Seriously,if all my inked stuff came out looking this clean.Still,I was pretty excited drawing with a calligraphy pen,for reals this time.Super-excited :3

 Oh yeah.This is Firegirl.She is an old character.I had a story for her but it's old.Old,old,old,boring.But inking is always exciting.It's a challenge!It's funnnnn

But these are actually really ugly.I suppose this is because I am just really,really inexperienced with this whole inking deali-o in general,but stopping from trying really wouldn't help at all,now would it?So,gonna keep doing this,for another eternity or so,and hopefully soon.Want to try more ways to iiink~

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Long gone messiness aboard

Some sketches.Yeah I know.Why do I even post these.