Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Resting to the sound of new work


Hey all! haven't posted here in a long while. I happened on this blog again while trying to show some old work to a friend and felt like maybe it would be nice to post here again.

What's been going on is that there have been a lot of life changes. Nothing less to expect from 7 years.

The above is a bit of work from a project I'm working on. Somewhere along the way I realized that I've always wanted to work in games in some capacity. Went to school for that and... came out the same as I ever was, I guess? To some degree, definitely feel more confident about certain things in general. But probably the most about my art. I don't feel that nagging sense of "I'm not doing enough" or "I hate my work." Not anymore. Or not so much at least. Having a lot on my plate has something to do with that, although I'd still like to continue comics work and concentrate on personal projects.... But that's for another time, I guess. 

For anyone dropping in now, from maybe some other time and space, the entire world is currently in the middle of a pandemic. Lives seem really different nowadays and this affects our whole worldview, our living and working conditions. I think I probably wouldn't be able to work as fast if I had to continue in an open-office type situation or having weekly meetings face-to-face. I miss the people, but at the same time. I feel a lot less of that slog from previous working conditions.

I'd like to think my life has changed for the better in general but to be honest, I guess it's just changed a lot is all! It's the 20th of August, the 29th birthday of Estonia and it's a completely different year again where I'm mulling over life-choices. This year I feel like I'm pretty okay with most of them and that's a big step up. I always feel like things are going too fast and that I'm too slow for everything else but I'm finally allowing myself to take breaks and rest more. Maybe that's all I ever needed.

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