Decided i should post something here too, before another year starts!
I found a blog called "This could have been Frozen" on tumblr and took it upon myself to try drawing some concepts for the characters as well! The blog showcases different artist interpretations of the Snowqueen story, one which itself already has many different versions from/ in many different countries and cultures.
Here's a link to the blog.
I kept thinking about making the snow queen and the girl albino and got a bit obsessed with this thought, because so far, there hasn't been much representation of that? especially in animated media. I also wanted the story to take place somewhere near home again(i'm more familiar with russian and northern retellings of the story), but in a more un-appointed, little-specific time, to distinguish the timespace and history from the characters a little bit, and focus on the characters and the setting.(if that makes sense....)
Here in these sketches we have; The Queen, the Friend and the Sister
So i imagined two different kind of Snowqueen stories:
One where the Snowqueen is the older sister of a young Anna, an orphan living in northern finland, taking care of her sick friend, a sami boy, in a small hidden village. The girl's sister decides to take the boy away from the village and the girl goes to rescue him,despite her bad eyesight.
The second one where the kids are older and the queen is an ancient hag who wants nothing but youth and rejuvenation, taking it from young weary travelers. The young man falls victim to her snowy charms and it's up to the young blind lady to gather people up and revolt against the queen who steals people away.
So there's a lot of ways for the story to go, if we just take it to a kind of a bare minimum, i guess. I could switch some of these thoughts that surfaced and mix them up and i think it would still make for something interesting, for a different version
I'm still not sure about which way i'd be finalizing towards, but i've started caring for some of characters on their own, design-wise, so i really don't know what i'm gonna do with any of this >_> A lot of the other designs are really good and amiable and likable too, and i'm a bit intimidated, but seeing my own drawings come to life is kind of encouraging.
So this if what i needed, a lengthy personally-approached blog post!
Holy shit, blogger is still pretty crappy about having images in a blog post, welp, gotta html this:

Some silly test doodles and brush tryouts, to weigh out the differences in Firealpaca, a relatively new painting/drawing software and openCanvas1 which i've been using on and off for various tasks and drawings from even before i had a tablet.
What I like about Firealpaca is it's bare minimum: it has all the basic tools of a painting or drawing artware, like layers that have an opacity lock or marquee tools or gradients and some customizable brushes and for it's price(freeware or something akin to opencource? it has ads at the startup but that's it, it's free) it does pretty great against other free software i've been using so far. For any beginners at using tablet-specific art software: don't be scared! and don't get too impatient either. Often beginners will have a hard time getting used to using the software; i know, because it's taken me about 4 years of photoshop experience and an additional mixed-3 years of other software. Honestly, it's not even that specific, it's just 7 years of experience of various different kinds of software - they are tools. You're the artist. You get to choose.
Plus a lot of times, when you start a piece, it's really more about what you've set out to achieve with the art work. If you know it's something where you've gotta let emotions take the wheel, you'd probably do so, and if the piece at any moment needs a pinpoint of focus, that'll happen too.
So what happened with those above sketches thar, is that i was supposed to be working on something else, but, relegated to our old dumpy computer with a skewed screen, i had opted for some doodling anyway, to work on something i had obligated myself to work on. That didn't happen of course, and in a fit of trying out different brushes, i started doodling out thoughts on my story, a comic, or maybe a novel? Shrug, who knows, it's fun thinking about it either way.
Another thing to remember for any moments of waning creativity: Thoughts are important too! yeah, 'course they are, but those tend to get forgotten, when just starting a picture. I've noticed recently that, whenever i have an instant thought(and i feel like i'm spilling out some kind of secret, speaking of this, but) and NEED to quickly
have it on the paper already, i tend to completely forego the pondering part, or the part where i prepare for a session of drawing and sit down and fiddle and try to find a place to solidly draw on, but no, there's these moments where i completely skip all that and the drawings just appear on paper, from the thoughts, almost directly, if they are concentrated enough(think of juice? the kind that grandmas make).
This reminds me that i had this idea for a comic about a month or less ago, where i specifically wanted to focus on thoughts appear outside of the mind. I had a very specific thought-way for it and specific paneling choices i had already imagined, but never got to putting it on paper right away, because i was scared of losing the original feel and thought process behind it. Now, usually i would kind of berate myself for not marking the ideas down right then and there in the bus(i did afterwards in a calmer environment, tho yeah, those didn't really work out). But not right now, because i just don't care! I have a new thought with this comic, but i still want to make it as simple as possible, as concentrated (juicy, but not sweet-syrupy) and as meaningdul as what the thoughts which i'm trying to communicate. But see, like all of this writing so far, i get a little too wordy maybe. I don't feel like this is entirely a bad thing, but just that it might get to be a bit too much in a comic-making situation. This is like prep-work for future comics and drawings and stories instead
looks like i'm at my character-limit? yo this post might continue if i don't go to sleep after this